Friday, December 24, 2010

Disney on Ice

The kids and I went to see Disney on Ice, with Taylor and Caroline, while the guys stayed home with Anna Cooper. I was worried that it might be a little too girly for Gray-man, but he's 2 so I took the chance because who really cares? I was pleasantly surprised that this show appealed to everyone! There were prissy moments, but there were also fight scenes, a fire breathing dragon and every princess had a prince!

We had a lot of fun, but I learned that with an attention span of about 40 minutes, we might not really be ready for a trip to Orlando just yet!


Elizabeth Haze recently went for her readiness testing for Kindergarten at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. This was a huge day in all our lives. How can she already be going to school?????? Kyle also took her for her school physical check up at the pediatrician where she had to get her finger stuck and 4 shots....she did not cry one tear! The bravery made me shed a lot of tears!!! We are so proud of her, in every way!

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