Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A month of updates!

When you ignore your blog for a month, you get a post like this in order to catch up!

Tuesdays have become pizza night at our house. The kids love answering the door and paying the delivery guy! Here's my crew chowing down!

Two bugs in a rug! I don't know what it is about a sleeping bag, but kids love them! These two love to camp out in their bags, under a homemade tent watching movies and eating popcorn! That's a good thing since it has rained almost every weekend for the past month!

A man in training......Kyle has to watch where he is going every step he takes these days because Gray is on his heels constantly! He wants to be just like his daddy! It is so cute! He is so strong and so mechanically inclined. It is amazing how different boys and girls are from birth!

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