Thursday, September 24, 2009

MeMe and Pop Pop

The 4 Claytons loaded up on an airplane and flew to Williamsport, Pennsylvania last week to go visit Kyle's Clayton grandparents. What an adventure! We had so much fun. We haven't seen them since Elizabeth Haze's second birthday, they had never seen Gray in person and we were ready for a trip! Gary and Delecia met us up there and we had a blast!

There was a little bit of a warm up period needed, but Haze and Gray were running the show in no time! They played so hard, I don't know who needed naps more by lunch, the kids or MeMe and Pop Pop!

Haze fell in love with Pennsylvania...she called it Fairytale, Pennsylvania! She didn't want to come home because she wanted to stay in the Fairytale. Her words, not mine! She had the best time hanging out with MeMe.

Here's the Clayton clan minus the two family photographers! Of course we couldn't get a good one of everybody at once, but they are all there none the less!

Kyle and I took the kids to the Little League International headquaters one afternoon. They were able to run bases, pitch baseballs and have batting practice. It was exhausting, but a blast!

This picture is to prove Deleicia was there! My children adore her; especially Elizabeth Haze. She is so good at spoiling them rotten and giving them undivided attention! She helps me out so much.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Looks like y'all had fun! no airport pics??? (half the vacation was hanging in the airport-haha). I love their matching scarcrow outfits! MeMe and PopPop look just the same (which is great)- I think yankies age better- maybe bc they dont bake in the sun like we southerners do...coming from someone who had melanoma in their twenties-Ha! PS-my keyword i have to type below for this post to publish is u r that a sign i shouldn't have stopped for flavored coffee and 500 calorie muffins the past 2 days??