Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July FUN!!!

The Fourth of July is always one of our favorite family holidays. The last few years we have started out our celebration at our neighborhood children's parade. This year was super exciting becuse the Grand Master firetruck was called out to a real fire during the parade- hilarious chaos to say the least. Our little angels were about to burn up. Luckily the free lemonade and ice cream quenched the heat.

That afternoon we all loaded up and went to the DeRuiter's to play on the waterslide and to watch fireworks.

It is amazing how large our crew has grown with the birth of all these babies during the past 5 years. What started out as a group of 6 couples has grown into a group of 25! We are so blessed to have so many great Jackson friends- all with kids our kids ages!

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