Saturday, May 9, 2009

Who is this and where did my baby go?????

Blink and it's over....Elizabeth Haze is going through a growth spurt and has just turned into a little lady over night! She has full out conversations now and has a memory like you wouldn't believe! Don't promise this babe anything unless you plan on following thru because she will call you out on it, just ask her Daddy!

She is so full of energy and has the sweetest personality. She is generous and friendly, but still a little reserve and shy. She is inquisitive and imaginative, creative and athletic.....she's more than I could have hoped for and better than I could have imagined. She steals my heart everyday. She asks me every night before she goes to sleep, "Are you still my best friend?" and I always say "Yes baby, but I'm something better, I'm your MOMMY!" How blessed am I? beyond words......


heather said...

i've enjoyed checking out your blog today! such cute pics of the're right....they grow up WAY too fast! isn't it fun though?? :)

Deleica said...

I love the new pic's. You are truly blessed! Haze's hair just keeps on growing! She's going to be just like you. Hope ya'll have a great weekend.