Friday, December 26, 2008

Thanks Santa!!!!!!!!!!!

Santa came and boy did he bring some presents! Elizabeth Haze made it clear that she wanted Santa to bring her "a pink one, and a green one and Grayson needs a yellow one." So, some how Santa found pink, green and yellow Christmas wrapping paper! I heard that this was not as easy as it sounded, especially the pink request! However, he managed it and as soon as she saw the presents she said "oh, look mommy, three pink ones, that's mines!" It was too cute. Our den was taken over by toys, barbies, Dora, and barnyard animals, but it was lots of fun! Gray's first Christmas was a success and Haze's fourth Christmas the best one yet. She really 'got it' this year and it was so much fun to listen to her talking about Santa and teaching her about getting and giving presents (the giving not such an easy lesson)! I haven't been able to get it on tape yet, but her rendition of Jingle Bells is one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life! I'll try to post a video, but when the camera turns on, she usually stops!

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