Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treating 2008

Oh what fun we had last night! After fighting off runny noses and deep coughs all week, the four of us loaded up and went to the Zenor Halloween hayride last night. This was Elizabeth Haze's first time to 'really' trick or treat. She LOVED it! I mean LOVED it. She marched right up to those doors in her little red Dorothy shoes and said "trick or treat" like a big girl. The scareier the house, the better; she didn't care, she wanted CANDY! It had to have helped to be with a group of her closest friends, but still.......the shyness is wearing off! She looked so cute in her costume and pig tails. Her sidekick Toto, aka Gray, was the perfect accessory and looked adorable himself although he only lasted about 30 minutes on the hayride. I felt that was pretty good for his first time in a hot fluffy puppy dog costume! They both had a wonderful evening of friends and fun and passed out in the car on the way home.

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