Saturday, February 25, 2012

Valentines and Soccer Balls!

February means time for Valentine's Day and that means it is time to party! I was off work and went to both kiddos school parties this year (a first)! One child willingly let me take pictures, while the other one (Mr. Tude) would not even let me take the camera in the building!

Haze sitting at her table with her buds eating cupcakes!

February also brings new adventures to the Clayton household. We have officially become a soccer family! Grayson's team has not started, but Haze had her first game, bright and early (8am on a Saturday, whoo whoo) and was selected team captain for week one! She didn't have a clue(none of them did) as to what to do, but she looked cute and had a smile on her face the entire time!

Truth be known, Saturday morning at 8, wasn't that bad! I am certain we will have lots of soccer pictures to follow in the next few weeks. Fortunately, the season only lasts 6 weeks....I can do it!

Another new past time in our home......playing possum! I snapped this picture of the two of them "sleeping" recently because it is just too funny how they will pretend to be asleep to get out of doing chores or cleaning or anything they don't want to do! I am pretty certain that they learned this from their momma!