Sunday, January 29, 2012

Little Man turns 4!

Gray turned 4 on January 21st, and chose to celebrate at Jackson Prep on "da biiiigggg football field." Having an outdoor party in January in Mississippi is pretty gutsy, but amazingly, we were worring about the heat and humidity rather than the cold and rain!
It was a gorgeous day and ended up being a lot of fun.

The scoreboard was lit up in all "4s" and the scrolling message.....

We all lined up on Lane 4 for a jog around the track....

Then a surprise introduction of the birthday boy over the PA system....

His entrance on the field via the 50 yard line....

To be further surprised by some REAL football players!!!!

These players were wonderful to the children.....showing them exercises...

Leading them thru drills....

And letting each one score a real TOUCHDOWN!!!!!

Birthday cake....

Presents in the back of Joe's truck~

The whole crew!

In case you can't tell, this day was PERFECT! We love that little boy!!!!

2012 Begins with a Bang!

I cannot even believe that I am three months behind on this blog...three very BUSY months! I vow to catch up and have made a promise to myself that I will update this year at least once a month. The start of 2012 marks the half way point of kindergarten for Haze and Grayson is turning 4! They are both doing exceptionally well in school. Kyle and I are very blessed to have two healthy, kind hearted, smart, adorable children!(if I say so myself)