Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yippee Ki Yo--- Gray is 2!

Grayson Kyle Clayton turned two on January 21st. To celebrate, we threw an old fashion cowboy BBQ at the Clayton Ponderosa. Stick horses, cowboy hats, sheriff's badges, bandanas and boots were everywhere!

Nice hair on me, but this is the only family shot we took!

Here's what the guests saw as they walked up:

Maw Clayton made all the posters for the "WANTED" guests:

Here's the cake:

the spread.....

the chow.....

And the fun.....

Hitting the trail....get along little doggie...

Happy Trails to you, until we meet again!!!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Toddler Birthday Parties!

It is hard to believe that two big time social butterflies like Kyle and I used to be have let our social calendars dwindle to the Greater Jackson Metro Area toddler birthday circuit, but that seems to be all anybody does around here these days! I guess that is what happens when 12 of your couple friends have 25 babies in 5 years!

We started the day out by going to Pump it Up for Evie's birthday.

Elizabeth Haze has always been fearless on these jumpy thing so I don't know why I am surprised that Grayson is the same way!!!!!

Frances Claire's 4th birthday party was at Dancing Divas and oh my goodness, we had fun! Here is Haze at the very beginning getting ready to get started. Notice the slippers she chose to wear; this will be important later!

Here's Elizabeth Haze making her very own lip gloss (the party favor, how cute is that)Watch out Ms. McEvoy!

Here Mrs. Helen is giving EH a makeover....

So sassy!!!!!!

Then they fixed her hair for the big performance!

The REAL ballerina read a story about Angelina the Ballerina (one of our favorites)!

Then the girls did stretching exercises, dancing warm ups, a little routine.....

They had pictures taken by the paparazzi

and then.....

What, can't find her.....look for the infamous slippers....yes, upside down!

I could literally post 100 more pictures from this party. She had so much fun and I think after this and the Nutcracker we are set to take dance lessons now. Parent lesson 114- let kids do things in their own sweet time and everyone is happy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Safety First!

Whenever there is silence around our house for more than 5 minutes, Kyle and I go looking for 'trouble.' This is what we found the other night! Haze said, "We're working, but we're being safe!" Flipping hilarious!

Uncle Doooooo

Uncle Drew dropped by for a visit last week and I got this great picture of him and EH!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Kids' Trees

Did I seriously not post pics of the kids' trees? I realized as we were taking them down this weekend that I had not taken their pictures with their trees this year. Well, this is the best I could do as not everyone was exactly cooperating!

Pretty Boy is Almost 2!

He thinks he is so sly sneaking in Haze's bed, but she secretly loves it! She tucks him in and surrounds him with his three best buddies- ernie, cookie and elmo! All he is missing is Barney!

And does anybody wonder why he gets away with murder? He oh so knows how to work it already! Notice the poor chick in the bikini under his foot! Womanizer at 23 months!

Out With the Old and in With the New!

Kyle's busiest day of the work year is New Year's Eve. As a result, we decided to forego our party and stayed in with the kids.

Kyle and the kids were asleep by 9pm and I wasn't that far behind!

We celebrated and welcomed 2010 by inviting Sug and Joe over for a traditional New Year's meal and fireworks. We were all so excited.

Haze decided to dress herself at the last minute. Her she is in her outfit:

Here is Gray right before they arrived.....

Here is Haze five minutes after we took her to the fireworks stand!

So, Kyle and I actually had an opportunity to hang out with Sug & Joe and had some adult conversation for the first time in forever!!!! Happy New Year to us!

First Trip to the Movie

New Year's Eve, CC took Elizabeth Haze to see 'The Princess and the Frog.' This was Haze's first trip to the theater. They had a blast (except for the loud, scarey previews). EH was a little confused about the whole deal. That night she said, "Momma, that was not Princess and the Frog live that CC took me to; it was a big loud TV show." HAHAHA! I believe we are raising a Broadway kind of girl! She loves a live show.