Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Offical Start of Summer Begins with.......

WATERMELON!!!!!! How cute are they just eating watermelon? After a day working and playing in the yard, we ended a long afternoon eatin' watermelon on the back porch. They loved it and we loved them!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Gray is 16 months old!!!!!!!

Where did my baby go? Life is passing us by so quickly and Gray is growing up so fast! He is all boy, but is still so pretty that he gets mistaken as a girl ALL the time! He walks, runs, climbs, tackles, jumps, talks, sings and dance. He also LOVES to brush his teeth. He is 90% off the bottle, still hasn't slept in his crib a full night and smiles all day long. Some of the words he can say: Mommy, Da-da, Hazey, Joe, ba-ba, coo-kee, buh-woon (balloon), ball, puh-pee (puppy), out, cheeeeese, up, cheeto, juice, peeza (pizza), gogurt (yogurt), seing (swing), no, uh-oh, diaper, cup, shoe, bafh (bath), and his favorite, MMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIINNNEEE! He can also point to his nose and belly button when asked. He loves to climb ladders and whenever we get a tool out for anything he comes running to help! We had no idea how much joy he was going to add to our already perfect life, but it is beyond words how much happiness he brings us all! We love you lil fella!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How do you curb a 3 1/2 year old's toy obsession?

Well, not by promising her she can have ANY one thing out of the $1 bin at Target or else you might end up 'having' to buy this......
Little Mermaid Red Glitter Sparkling Hair Gel

As parents of small children you often pray for just a moment of peace and quiet, but watch out because you just might get it, turn your back for a second and you end up finding this.....

and then this....

I specifically told her not to put it on the walls, her dolls, the carpet or her bed......I forgot to say, don't put it on your little brother!
"Momma, you didn't say I couldn't put it on Grayson!"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mother's Day with Sug

Sug and Joe came over for a visit Mother's Day afternoon. We had a fun time playing on the swing and slide, eating ice cream cones and watching Cinderella!

Here's little fella. He's been left out a lately so I thought I would give him a cameo! He doesn't sit still very long at all these days. He is all boy! Rough and tough, loves dirt and worms, climbing and dancing! He's still a love bug at bedtime though. He snuggles like a champ!

C.C. can I please keep it??????/

We went to C.C. and Ray's house for Mother's Day Brunch and had a fabulous time. While there, Haze found this princess costume. When it was time to leave, there was no taking this thing off even though it was supposed to stay. I don't know if I've said it enough- Haze would be in a tutu/princess dress 24/7 if we would let her. Kyle and I are trying to schedule a trip to Disney World sometime in the fall because we know she would just love it!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Who is this and where did my baby go?????

Blink and it's over....Elizabeth Haze is going through a growth spurt and has just turned into a little lady over night! She has full out conversations now and has a memory like you wouldn't believe! Don't promise this babe anything unless you plan on following thru because she will call you out on it, just ask her Daddy!

She is so full of energy and has the sweetest personality. She is generous and friendly, but still a little reserve and shy. She is inquisitive and imaginative, creative and athletic.....she's more than I could have hoped for and better than I could have imagined. She steals my heart everyday. She asks me every night before she goes to sleep, "Are you still my best friend?" and I always say "Yes baby, but I'm something better, I'm your MOMMY!" How blessed am I? beyond words......