Sunday, March 29, 2009
Mudpies and Cupcakes!
Elizabeth Haze cannot stand for her 'rescue mes' (dresses) to get dirty, so imagine our surprise when she stripped down to her mermaid panties to make mud pies and cupcakes with Joe!
She would fill the cup up with dirt, pick a sweet pea flower to use as a candle and then would serenade each one of us at the top of her lungs with "Happy Birthday to you.....happy birthday dear Shuu-ug...happy Birthday to you!"
Then she would say, "now blow out the candles, make a wish and give it back!"
I have to admit we were all about to wet our pants; she was too funny.
Gray didn't make it into these pictures, because unlike her, he LOVES to get dirty! And since he is putting everything he can find in his mouth these days....we fought to keep him out of the dirt!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunshine and Flowers
Kyle had to work this afternoon so the kids and I decided to take advantage of the pretty weather and the blooming azaleas at Sug & Joe's house and went for a photo shoot!
Elizabeth Haze has really grown up a lot in the last few weeks. She is growing out of the shy phase and is a little ham!
Speaking of growing up, look at this little man! He is in a copy cat phase. Anything Haze says or does, he follows and repeats!
Best friends sharing their eggs!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Best Friends!
Weekend with Big G and Deleica
Big G and Deleica came up for the weekend Saturday and Elizabeth Haze kept them entertained every moment! No warm-up period was needed....they rang the doorbell and Haze was ready to play! I think they all had a real good bonding experience while elbow deep in Play-Doh!
Gray had a lot of fun too! He just wants to be in the middle of everything doing whatever EH is doing!
A sign of what is to come......Haze said "no, no mommy, you can't come in my room. I'm playing with G and Deleica".....I literally got the boot! LOL
Thursday, March 5, 2009
These babies love to be read to!
How many of you ever thought you would see Kyle reading Cinderella? HA! These two babies love to be read to. However, it is getting harder and harder to read over Elizabeth Haze's play-by-play commentary! She is so animated when it comes to story telling. It is so cute to hear these princess stories from a 3 year old's perspective. It just thrills my soul to look across the room to see these three all piled up reading to each other. They are just all so flippin cute!
EH and her Lil Fella
The one time of day that I can get these two to sit still is first thing in the morning when they are snuggled up in bed watching cartoons and drinking 'chockit' milk! This is our favorite time of day. These two are getting to be the best of friends. They play so well together and really love each other. Gray shocked us all about a month ago when he leaned over to Haze and gave her a big mmmmmwha! That's right the first kiss he ever gave in this world was to his big sister! Kyle and I were both sitting right there and saw the whole thing then both of us quickly got in line to get the left over sugar! He LOVES to give kisses almost as all of us love getting them!
Kyle did it again!
Kyle never gets attention on this blog, BUT......he did it again! We hire a yard man all year long and the one week Kyle busts his tush getting the yearly pruning done, we wake up to this sign in our yard! The last time he held this honor was August 2005. Remember the natural disaster that hit us back then- that's right, Kyle had Yard of the Month when Hurricane Katrina hit. While everyone else in the south was worried about electricity, gasoline and shelter, Kyle Clayton hustled and got our yard 'worthy' of his honor by the next day! Way to go Kyle!!!!! Something tells me Mike the yardman still has a job though!
Valentine's Day 2009
Talk about a hard picture to take! It is almost impossible to get these two to sit still at the same time. This is the BEST picture I could get on Valentine's Day! Gray is totally addicted to anything sweet. He snuck off with Haze's party bag from school and I found him in the corner soaked in candy drool! It was too funny, weell to everyone except Elizabeth Haze!
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